ZOOOM Toolkit is ready to be used for building your open asset related business!
How do I unravel the value embedded in my open assets? Open assets contain very diverse items, such as software, data and even hardware. These assets are all very different in nature. To place an analogy, they are totally different animals – or actually different species of animals. Therefore, the value creation relating to each type of asset varies also greatly. Software is human generated source code protected by copyright as a literary work. Data, […]
ZOOOM Toolkit presented at FH Salzburg
ZOOOM team member Florian Durager presented the ZOOOM Project in an interactive session at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Puch/Urstein, held on 9 September 2024. Florian’s talk was dedicated to the discovery of opportunities related to the use or development of open technologies. The event covered presentations and discussions with in-depth technical analysis and informative moments, including ZOOOM Toolkit Workshop to present the opportunities and the economic, legal and technological aspects of Open Source, […]
ZOOOM Toolkit Webinar Series in September
The ZOOOM month has officially started! This may be the last month of our ‘3Os and IP awareness raising for collaborative ecosystems’ (ZOOOM) Project but it is packed with events, including our final conference ‘Open Source for Business: Licensing, Investment and Business Models’, which will take place in hybrid format on 27 September, 10.00 – 05.30 PM CET, in Brussels and online. We are also launching our ZOOOM Toolkit Webinar Series with specialised webinars for […]