ZOOOM Toolkit is ready to be used for building your open asset related business!
How do I unravel the value embedded in my open assets?
Open assets contain very diverse items, such as software, data and even hardware. These assets are all very different in nature. To place an analogy, they are totally different animals – or actually different species of animals. Therefore, the value creation relating to each type of asset varies also greatly. Software is human generated source code protected by copyright as a literary work. Data, as such, does not enjoy intellectual property protection and its non-rival nature and dependence on externalities makes it very distinctive from software. Hardware, as a physical object, adds a layer also in terms of value creation.
Core value creation aspects in open assets
We have identified in the ZOOOM project the core value creation aspects in these open assets.
Open-source software relies on building value on core assets, combined components and aggregated components, and on different mixes thereof. These are governed by different forms of open-source software license types, either permissive licenses or reciprocal copy-left licenses. The latter is further divided into strong and weak copyleft licenses. These governance mechanisms also set the basis for a dynamic landscape of open-source software development and communities, giving an amplitude of business opportunities.
For open data, value needs to be built actively on raw data or basic data. These need to be further developed into data sets and databases. Complementary data needs to be acquired and data needs aggregation towards data products and data services.
With open hardware, we get the additional element of a physical product. In the very core of the value creation for open hardware are the design files. But, in addition, business can be built on the production of componenets or collection of kits. Or even by producing final products or solutions.
In addition to the above-mentioned asset-based value creation aspects, there are also several value creation categories that are not directly linked to the asset itself. The value that an organisation aims at can be indirect, for example non-monetary value or disruption of markets. Value may come from services. Or the value may rely on linking assets to one another.
What kind of business tools do you have to support me?
In the ZOOOM Toolkit, you can find the Business Model Innovation Map. It is designed to support you in understanding your own business model, innovating around it in search of new business models and finding out the interlinkages with other business models within your ecosystem. We have divided the business models into development driven models aiming towards internal development or indirect strategic aims and into business-driven models. Business driven models are further divided into asset-based models, service-based models and extended business.
In addition, we have constructed several Business profiles with accompanying core questions to support you in your journey to make open-asset-based business. We have also collected a Library of cases, where you will be able to find examples of open-asset-based business, bringing you forward in bulding your business.
Other business-oriented tools in the ZOOOM Toolkit contain the Ecosystem framework to understand the ecosystemic aspects of open-asset-based activities and the REMODEL tool that provides resources that can be used for instance in workshops around open assets.
What is left your you to do, is to explore the ZOOOM Toolkit. You can find it here: Toolkit – Main – ZOOOM Project (zooom4u.eu).
Enjoy your open asset journey!