ZOOOM To Be Presented to Slovenian Policy Makers
The ZOOOM Project, its goals and outcomes will be presented in a training, jointly organized by the Slovenian Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (ARIS) and the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the promotion of investment, entrepreneurship and internationalisation (SPIRIT Slovenia), within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.
The purpose of the training is to
- strengthen the cooperation between the implementing agencies (ARIS and SPIRIT),
- strengthen the cooperation between the stakeholders (public authorities, supporting organisations),
- integrate the science, research and innovation system, and
- enhance a collaborative ecosystem.
The programme will include topics on intellectual property (IP), including its protection and commercialisation, and raising awareness of IP for collaborative ecosystems. The presentation of ZOOOM will be delivered by our partners Nataša Pibernik (Jožef Stefan Institute) and Elizabeta Zirnstein (University of Primorska).
When: 10 November 2023, 09:00 – 14:00
Where: Univerza v Ljubljani, Kongresni trg 12 @ Ljubljana, SIovenia