Explore our case study library to delve into a spectrum of real-world instances featuring large companies, SMEs, and startups across Open Data, Software, and Hardware domains. Covering breakthrough technologies like Blockchain, Robotics, AI, and Quantum Computing, these studies illuminate diverse paths of open innovation. Gain insights, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of successful strategies within your industry and beyond.
SRC is an IT company that digitally transforms corporations, financial institutions and public administrations. Through processes of progressive digitalisation of business, they create new business models and are eliminating risks in e-commerce, from risk assessment to system deployment. In addition
Semantum is a software development company offering software solutions for modeling, simulation and engineering automation. Software development at Semantum is based on Simantics platform. They aim to enable new type of simulation business based on software components and services. Semantum
Quanscient is producing and selling multiphysics simulation software utilizing cloud and quantum computing. The company is working towards a future where hardware development is a breeze with automatic testing, simulations, and optimization happening behind the scenes. Quanscient Allsolve can solve
Qt Group offers cross-platform solutions for the entire software development lifecycle. Qt Group (Nasdaq Helsinki: QTCOM) is a global software company, trusted by industry leaders and over 1.5 million developers worldwide to create applications and smart devices that users love.
VTT ProperTune® is an Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) concept that uses multiscale modelling for optimal computational material design. With VTT ProperTune® one can virtually create microstructurally accurate materials and load in realistic conditions – whatever the material, whatever the
Datafund is a protocol and a decentralized infrastructure that guards personal data, provides safe storage and enables provable personal data exchange. It is building the ecosystem of participants related to personal data. Marketplace participation: open source community participation, partnership with