Notarify provides solutions to certify and protect data, documents, signatures and identities to give back control, protect against digital fragility and enable real dematerialisation and debureaucratisation, also with regard to environmental sustainability. Notarization on blockchain is a process that allows digital information, such as documents or transactions, to be stamped and stored on a blockchain, tracking the identity of the participant in the process, and also the date and time of the recording.
Company name | Notarify |
Link(s) to webpage | Notarify | About us |
Country(ies) | Italy |
Additional information (e.g. age, size, industry sector) | Startup Blockchain |
3Os (OS/OD/OH) relating to the company and the role of the company as a user and/or contributor | OS user |
4Es (artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI); blockchain (BC); quantum (QN); robotics (RB)) relating to the company and the role of the company as a user and/or a contributor | ML/AI userBlockchain user and contributor |
Relevant type of business model(s) | SaaS, SW related services |
Relevant type of license(s) |
Notarify specializes in providing a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform for digital certificates based on Blockchain technology, empowering users to notarize documents and transactions securely. Key aspects of their business include:
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