The GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2) is an open-source software license developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) that governs the use, distribution, and modification of software projects. It is a strong copyleft license, meaning any software derived from or incorporating GPL-licensed code must also be released under the GPL.

Key features of the GPLv2 include:

  • – Copyleft Requirement: Any modifications or extensions made to GPLv2-licensed code must be released under the same license. This ensures that the source code remains freely available and open.
  • – Distribution Requirements: When you distribute software under the GPLv2, you must also provide recipients with access to the corresponding source code. This ensures that users have the freedom to study, modify, and redistribute the software.
  • – Compatibility with Proprietary Software: The GPLv2 allows you to use GPLv2-licensed code in your proprietary projects, but it requires that any modifications to the GPLv2-licensed code must be released under the GPL.
  • – No Additional Restrictions: You cannot add any extra restrictions to the rights granted by the GPLv2. For example, you can’t impose additional licensing terms or restrictions on recipients.

It’s important to note that GPLv2 applies to the entire program incorporating GPL-licensed code. If you distribute a program that includes GPLv2-licensed code, the entire program must be released under the GPLv2.