MPL 2.0
The MPL 2.0 (Mozilla Public License 2.0) is designed to balance the interests of both open-source and proprietary software development. It allows for the use of MPL-licensed code in open-source and proprietary projects, but any modifications to the MPL-licensed code must be made available under the MPL. This ensures that any improvements or changes to the original code remain open-source. The MPL 2.0 also includes a patent provision to help protect contributors and users from […]
The GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2) is an open-source software license that governs the use, distribution, and modification of software projects. It is a permissive free software license approved by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). The LGPLv2 is designed to allow developers to use LGPL-licensed code in both open-source and proprietary projects. One of the key features of the LGPLv2 is that it provides more flexibility for linking with proprietary software compared […]
The GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2) is an open-source software license developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) that governs the use, distribution, and modification of software projects. It is a strong copyleft license, meaning any software derived from or incorporating GPL-licensed code must also be released under the GPL. Key features of the GPLv2 include: – Copyleft Requirement: Any modifications or extensions made to GPLv2-licensed code must be released under the same […]